Helpful Resources


Being insync wih the Luna Cycle and increasing your knowledge on how to tap into the moon energies can help improve your health. Being aware how the cycle affects you is a great start to building your own library. Using the app to monitor and record how you are emotionally, and how your physical body is affected is another step. Use the cycles of the moon to time your rituals. Ancient civilisations and modern harness the power of the phases… Take the opportunity to check in with nature:

Dr Christiane Northrup

I have recently read Dr Christiane Northrups book, Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom. I highly recommend this book, which gives valuable insights into the way your body works, and how our relationships, stress levels and childhoods can manifest in our bodies, and importantly, how to heal our body. This book also explores how you can tap into the Moon cycles and your own cycle, to gain your best health.

To purchase her book please go to this address Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

In Christiane’s article Tap into the cycle of your body, explores how the moon regulates the feminine body, and instructs on how to use the moon to improve your health.

Yasmin Boland

Yasmin has written an excellent book called Moonology. This is a detailed and helpful guide to understand the Moon Cycle and particularly the Astrology around the different cycles of the moon and the rituals you can incorporate into your life and the different phases of the Moon.

Time and Date . com will give you the exact phase of the Moon to your exact location.

Denise Weisner

Denise explores how the Moon and periods link up in this article “How to Sync Your Menstrual Cycle with the Moon”

Dr. Jose Jaramillo

In the documentary, Between 2 Worlds, Dr Jose Jaramillo explores the history of the Gregorian Calendar - designed around religion and productivity in comparison to the Mayan Calendar, which is focused on human consciousness, nature, the moon cycle, emotions and peace, harmony and respect.